Erin Light




ON SOLID GROUND is a work of love and praise for Jesus Christ, without whom my life would be incomplete. God inspires, He blesses, but more importantly, He loves. These songs are my testimony and I pray they are as much of a blessing to you as they are to me. 
At the age of three, I was given my first toy piano and I was hooked. By four, I recieved my first formal lesson. Eleven years later I had become a proficient classical pianist, but my heart was not in the classics, it was in songs of praise. Whether you find yourself in the quiet of your home, or in an auditorium filled with hundreds of voices praising God, the blessings of song and music are the same. 



I wrote my first song, "On Solid Ground", when I was thirteen years old. This song describes how God wants our hope and faith to be secure in Him. Reading the scriptures inspires me to write songs of I sing. I sit down at the piano for hours at a time, writing words and chords scratched out on the back of any paper that I can find, I've even used old envelopes. I continue to handwrite words and chords as God gives them to me until I have a finished song. 
This is my first CD, and my testimony. This is how I chose to share God's love with you. I love the Lord, I love my family, and I love the joy that comes with knowing Christ, so let's praise his name!

"Let them praise the name of the Lord, fir his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven."
PSALMS 148:13


This CD is dedicated to my parents and grandparents; thank you for supporting me in my music and encouraging me to grow close to the Lord. Special thanks to Steve and Tony DeCaro and their families for all your work and love. 

Each time you purchase a "On Solid Ground" CD, proceeds go towards outreach missionary efforts to assist underpriveledged children and families in need in Mexico. Thank you.